Are you still troubled by how to start your company’s E.S.G program?
Zero waste in TWO YEARS
Since 2023, ASPEN RECYCLE has been crafting a tailored zero waste strategy for our clients. Over the next two years, we aim to extend this zero waste approach to both our current and future clients, striving to achieve significant sustainability milestones.
Let us provide you with a clearer understanding of the type of company Aspen Recycle is.
Ten lorries are available at any time to back up ASPEN RECYCLE’s clients
Aspen Recycle team actively participates in various E.S.G and sustainability sharing sessions.
Lorries are weighed upon return from clients' factories to ensure the accuracy of the Aspen Recycle weight slips in the ESG reports
Recycled plastics are one of the most severe sources of carbon emissions. We urge everyone to hand over plastics to recycling and environmental companies instead of disposing of them in landfills. This is because the carbon emission factor for plastics in landfills is three times higher than that of recycled plastics.
Paper Wall.
Paper Shells.
Guess how many bundles are in a row?
Even in the morning, the lorries aren’t fully awake yet. They can only get the E.S.G operations rolling once they’re up and running.
What this plastic materials we should call?
Our clients are starting to implement their E.S.G strategies and are requesting that Aspen Recycle provide two free bin for them.